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Picios de Europa Traverse

Day 7 - Saturday 8th September 2018

Hotel-Refugio Aliva to Espinama


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
11.49 5H10 331 1,104 874 1,858







Sierra de Juan de la Cuadra



Final day group photo

Farewell to Hotel Aliva

Our direction of travel towards Pico de Valdecoro (1,836m)



Towards Collado de Cuciana

Sierra de Juan de la Cuadra

View across to the Fuente cable car


View across the valley to Coriscao (2,235m) from Collado de Valdecoro

Pico de Valdecoro (1,836m)


View back to Sierra de Juan de la Cuadra

View across the valley to Peña Remoña (2,242m)

View of Horcados Rojos (2,562m) showing its red tinge


Starting our descent to Espinama

Last look at Pico de Valdecoro (1,836m)

The sandy track on the final leg to Espinama

Nevandi Bar & Restaurant


Our accommodation for the night, Nevandi Apartments